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Quality & Safety

ISR Quality and Safety Alliance (ISRQSA)

Advancing Global Radiological Quality And Safety: The ISR Quality and Safety Alliance

Ensuring the safe, effective, and responsible use of medical imaging is a cornerstone of the International Society of Radiology’s mission. The ISR Quality and Safety Alliance (ISRQSA) leads this effort by uniting global stakeholders to promote high-quality, safe imaging practices across the world.

Established in 2016 as the successor to the International Commission on Radiological Quality and Safety (ICRQS), ISRQSA serves as a global convener and facilitator, bringing together national, regional, and continental quality and safety initiatives to:

  • Promote Radiation Protection: Coordinating efforts like Image Gently, Image Wisely, AFROSAFE, EuroSafe Imaging, and LATINSAFE to advocate for safe imaging practices across diverse populations.
  • Collaborate with Global Health Leaders: As a non-state actor in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and a long-standing partner of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), ISR works closely with these organizations to advance global standards for radiation safety.
  • Shape the Future of Radiology Safety: ISRQSA continuously reviews and has recently renewed its work plan with WHO for 2025 – 2027, with a continued focus on patient safety, workforce education, and the development of practical tools for safe imaging worldwide.

ISRQSA is co-chaired by two internationally recognized leaders in radiation protection:

  • Prof. Guy Frija (France): Past Chair of EuroSafe Imaging
  • Prof. Donald Frush (USA): Chair of the Image Gently Steering Committee

A Mission Fueled by the ISR Béclère-Fuchs Foundation

The ISR’s quality and safety initiatives are supported in part by the ISR Béclère-Fuchs Foundation, established to advance the educational and public health mission of ISR. The Foundation helps fund training programs, safety campaigns, and educational resources that empower healthcare providers worldwide to adopt and maintain safe imaging practices.

The Time Is Now: Celebrating a Century of Progress

As ISR approaches its Centennial in 2025, we reflect on a century of global collaboration in radiology and look to the future with renewed purpose. Through ISRQSA’s work, we continue the legacy of leaders like Antoine Béclère while forging new pathways to ensure every patient – regardless of geography – benefits from safe, effective imaging.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with our member organizations. Together, we can make the next century of imaging even safer and more impactful for patients worldwide.

Dr. Bibb Allen
ISR President

Radiological quality and safety activities continue to be prominently on the ISR’s agenda. Just as my predecessor, Dr. Renato Mendonca, I consider them among the top priorities of my term as ISR President.

The ISR Quality and Safety Alliance (ISRQSA) was formally established in 2016, replacing the International Commission on Radiological Quality and Safety (ICRQS). ISRQSA acts as a convener and facilitator for continental, regional and national quality and safety campaigns in radiation protection and drives the ISR’s quality and safety agenda. The ISR is a non-state actor in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is also collaborating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) based on Practical Arrangements.

Co-chaired by Guy Frija (France, Past-Chair of EuroSafe Imaging) and Donald Frush (USA, Chair of Image Gently), the ISRQSA collaborates with major international stakeholders in radiation protection and has renewed its work plan with the WHO for 2025-2027.

We look forward to a continued fruitful collaboration on quality and safety issues with our member organizations!

Dr. Bibb Allen
ISR President

Message from the ISRQSA Co-Chairs

The mission of the International Society of Radiology (ISR) is “…to facilitate the global endeavors of the … member organisations to improve patient care and population health through medical imaging”. To this end the ISRQSA has been established. It consists of continental, regional and national quality and safety campaigns, which are independent professional organisations lead primarily by radiologists and supported by their regional societies of radiology. Most of them are also multi-stakeholder organisations, having on board Medical Physicists and Radiographers and it is anticipated that this model would be a necessary and valuable element for new organisational involvement in the ISRQSA.

The ISRQSA is responsible for the Society’s quality and safety agenda, including functioning as convener of and facilitator for continental, regional and national radiation protection and quality and safety. The ISRQSA works in collaboration with other relevant organisations in the domain of safety and quality, including the IAEA, WHO and ICRP and similar international societies and organizations as well as global safety campaigns. For example, through the ISRQSA, the ISR collaborates with the WHO and the IAEA towards improving radiation protection in low-and middle-income countries. The focal areas of this collaboration are reflected in the ISR-WHO work plan for 2025-2027.

The overarching objective for the ISRQSA in the area of radiation safety is to establish a strategic plan for global efforts related to quality and safety, which reflect the input of the campaigns. The specific goals of the ISRQSA will embrace contributions towards justification and optimisation, education, equipment performance, regulatory guidance, effective communication, as well as research related to radiation protection in medical imaging.

As a first step a survey of existing campaign portfolios has been carried out. Specifics of individual campaigns related to mission, geographic representation, leadership, strategic plan, business model, relationship to health authorities, and communication strategies have been gathered. Additional steps consist of identification of current campaign needs, and a resource repository, which can serve for exchanges between existing and developing campaigns.

Further activities of the ISRQSA include:

  • proposing actions to ISR on the basis of the overarching objective of the alliance,
  • representing ISR with IAEAWHOICRP, IOMP, ISRRTWFPI and WFUMB according to requests received and relevant activities,
  • proposing a contribution to the ISR educational and scientific programmes focused on quality and safety issues,
  • proposing actitivies to implement the ISRQSA Call for Action
  • providing relevant material for the ISR website

Members of the ISRQSA

Regular updates and news will be published in this section.

Dr. Guy Frija

Dr. Don Frush

ISR Quality and Safety Alliance (ISRQSA)

Radiological quality and safety activities continue to be prominently on the ISR’s agenda. Just as my predecessor, Dr. Luis Donoso, I consider them among the top priorities of my term as ISR President.

The ISR Quality and Safety Alliance (ISRQSA) was formally established in 2016, replacing the International Commission on Radiological Quality and Safety (ICRQS). ISRQSA acts as a convener and facilitator for continental, regional and national quality and safety campaigns in radiation protection and drives the ISR’s quality and safety agenda. The ISR is a non-state actor in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is also collaborating with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) based on Practical Arrangements.

Co-chaired by Guy Frija (France, Past-Chair of EuroSafe Imaging) and Donald Frush (USA, Chair of Image Gently), the ISRQSA collaborates with major international stakeholders in radiation protection and has renewed its work plan with the WHO for 2022-2024.

We look forward to a continued fruitful collaboration on quality and safety issues with our member organizations!

Dr. Renato Mendonça
ISR President


Message from the ISRQSA Co-Chairs

The mission of the International Society of Radiology (ISR) is “…to facilitate the global endeavors of the … member organisations to improve patient care and population health through medical imaging”. To this end the ISRQSA has been established. It consists of continental, regional and national quality and safety campaigns, which are independent professional organisations lead primarily by radiologists and supported by their regional societies of radiology. Most of them are also multi-stakeholder organisations, having on board Medical Physicists and Radiographers and it is anticipated that this model would be a necessary and valuable element for new organisational involvement in the ISRQSA.

The ISRQSA is responsible for the Society’s quality and safety agenda, including functioning as convener of and facilitator for continental, regional and national radiation protection and quality and safety. The ISRQSA works in collaboration with other relevant organisations in the domain of safety and quality, including the IAEA, WHO, IRPA and ICRP and similar international societies and organisations as well as global safety campaigns. For example, through the ISRQSA, the ISR collaborates with the WHO and the IAEA towards improving radiation protection in low-and middle-income countries. The focal areas of this collaboration are reflected in the ISR-WHO work plan for 2022-2024.

The overarching objective for the ISRQSA in the area of radiation safety is to establish a strategic plan for global efforts related to quality and safety, which reflect the input of the campaigns. The specific goals of the ISRQSA will embrace contributions towards justification and optimisation, education, equipment performance, regulatory guidance, effective communication, as well as research related to radiation protection in medical imaging.

As a first step a survey of existing campaign portfolios has been carried out. Specifics of individual campaigns related to mission, geographic representation, leadership, strategic plan, business model, relationship to health authorities, and communication strategies have been gathered. Additional steps consist of identification of current campaign needs, and a resource repository, which can serve for exchanges between existing and developing campaigns.

Further activities of the ISRQSA include:

  • proposing actions to ISR on the basis of the overarching objective of the alliance,
  • representing ISR with IAEAWHOICRP, IOMPIRPAISRRTWFPI and WFUMB according to requests received and relevant activities,
  • proposing a contribution to the ISR educational and scientific programmes focused on quality and safety issues,
  • proposing actitivies to implement the ISRQSA Call for Action
  • providing relevant material for the ISR website

Members of the ISRQSA

Regular updates and news will be published in this section.

Dr. Guy Frija
Dr. Don Frush