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Member Societies

ARGENTINA – Argentine Society of Radiology (SAR)
Arenales 1985
P.B. (C1124AAC)
Capital Federal

ARGENTINA – Argentine Federation of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy Associations (FAARDIT)

AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND – The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR)
Level 9, 51 Druitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 6 12 9268 9777

This website has been commissioned as another means of fulfilling the College’s objective to promote, encourage, and provide for the advancement of the study of the sciences known as Diagnostic Radiology, Diagnostic Medical Imaging, and Radiation Oncology.
Access to a large majority of this site is available only to registered members of the RANZCR. members of the RANZCR may gain entry to the site by password.

BELGIUM – Belgian Society of Radiology
The Belgian Society of Radiology (BSR) was founded in 2013 as a merger of the National Union of Radiologists (NUR), the Consilium Radiologicum Belgicum and the Royal Belgian Radiological Society (RBRS). Its goals are to defend, to study, to protect and to foster both the scientific and professional interests of all Belgian radiologists. The BSR represents its members at the national, international, federal and community level, channelling all communication with the authorities, organisations and bodies that govern health care and health administration in Belgium and beyond. All important professional issues, such as education, accreditation, professional defense, licensing and daily practice are part of this mission. Our website and contact details:

BOTSWANA – Radiographers Society of Botswana

BRAZIL – Brazilian College of Radiology
Av. Paulista, 37 – cj. 71 – Sao Paulo/SP – Cep: 01311-902
Phone: (11) 3372-4544


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

CANADA – Canadian Association of Radiologists
377 Dalhousie Streeet, Suite 310
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 9N8
Phone: (613) 860-3111

CARIBBEAN – Caribbean Society of Radiologists
P.O. Box 577
St. Vincent,
West Indies

Central African Republic

Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

CHILE – Sociedad Chilena de Radiologia A.G.
The Chilean Society of Radiology was created in 1942 by a group of radiologists in order to promote the development and good practices of Radiology in the country. Currently, it has 513 members who represent approximately 77% of the national radiologists.

Our group encourages the meeting and professional growth of its members, through active participation in various academic activities of the specialty. It also acts as a reference and consultation entity in matters related to diagnostic imaging in the country’s health policies.

CHINA – The Chinese Society of Radiology (CSR)
The Chinese Society of Radiology (CSR) is a non-profit national organization, devoted to research and clinical practice of radiological sciences. The society was founded in Shanghai in 1937 and is presently affiliated to the Chinese Medical Association. The mission of the CSR is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among physicians and scientists in the broad area of radiology and promote the development of radiology in China.

The Chinese Society of Radiology was formed at the 12th annual meeting of the Chinese Medical Association during April 1st~8th, 1937. The inaugurating President was Dr. Zhi-Guang Xie (1899-1967). After 1993, radiology in China developed rapidly.  The national conference of CSR has been held annually, and a new board is elected every four years.  Now, the CSR established 10 subcommittees focusing on several individual subspecialties, including Abdominal, Musculoskeletal, Neuro, Cardiothoracic, Pediatric, Interventional, Mammary, Molecular, MR and Youth Committee of Chinese Society of Radiology.

COLOMBIA – Colombian Association of Radiology
Adress: Cra. 43 No. 33-57 Bloque 5, Of. 220,
Telefax: (57 4) 2626978,


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

CROATIA (REPUBLIC OF CROATIA) – Croatian Society of Radiology (CSR)
The German physicist and first Nobel laureate in physics (1901) WCRÖNTGEN discovered X-rays (1895) and thus began a new profession / science – radiology / radiology. The practical application of this invention in our area began soon after the invention with the purchase of the first X-ray device in Rijeka (1897). In the beginning, there were no professionally educated staff, so everyone dealt with radiology, mostly surgeons and internists.

Today’s CROATIAN SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGISTS (HDR) – Croatian Society of Radiology (CSR) is one of over 120 professional societies of the Croatian Medical Association. It was founded as the Society of Radiology (1928), changing its name to the Section of Radiology, Electrophysiology and Balneology (1935), the Section of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (1945) and the Section of Radiology (1984).

With the independence of Croatia (1991) and the severance of ties with the Association of Medical Societies of Yugoslavia, the former Croatian Medical Association (ZLH) – returned its original name to the Croatian Medical Association (HLZ) – Croatian Medical Association (CroMA) and met the conditions for direct membership in the World Medical Association – WMA (1992). This gave the former Section of Radiology the right to change its name to the CROATIAN SOCIETY OF RADIOLOGISTS (1992), after which the ties with the Association of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of Yugoslavia were severed, thus satisfying the conditions for direct membership in the European Association of Radiology – EAR (1993). and International Society of Radiology – ISR (1994).

According to the Statute of HLZ and the Rules of Procedure of HDR, the Association and the Society take care of improving the protection of public health, professional and scientific work, nurturing medical ethics, protection of class interests, developing cooperation with scientific and professional institutions, proposing measures to improve work organization. and others.


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

DENMARK – Danish Society of Radiology (DRS)
The homepage is mainly in Danish, listing future meetings, radiology links, addresses, legal material, membership list, newsletters etc. A short english version is planned.

EGYPT – Egyptian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
ESRNM, Egyptian Radiology Society in early 60′s: Radiodiagnosis , Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine Headed: Prof. Mohamad Abdel Wahab Mahmoud, Cairo University. Secretary: Prof. Abdel Aziz Zaky Hanna , Cairo University. Early 80′s: Secretary General Prof. Mohamad Ragaee AlMelegy. Membership files, two fixed meetings per year and sharing international conferences.

ECUADOR – Ecuadorian Society of Radiology and Imaging
The Ecuadorian Society of Radiology and Imaging – SERI, aims to: Associate Ecuadorian radiologists to protect the privileges of the radiation field, disseminate knowledge and promote specialty training to young specialists.

FINLAND – Radiological Society of Finland
Suomen Radiologiyhdistys r.y.
00101 Helinski

FRANCE – French Society of Radiology
20, Avenue RAPP.
75007 Paris
E-mail :
Fax : 01 53 59 59 60


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

Chinese HONG KONG – Hong Kong College of Radiologists (HKCR)
Phone: (852) 2871 8788

Hong Kong College Of Radiologists (HKCR) was incorporated in September 1991. The College is established with the objectives to encourage the study and advancement of the science and practice of radiology, as well as to maintain the good practice of radiology by ensuring the highest professional standards of competence and ethical integrity. It encompasses three specialties, namely Radiology, Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine. Radiology uses X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance for the diagnosis and interventional treatment of diseases. Clinical Oncology uses X-ray and chemical agents in the treatment of malignant diseases. Nuclear Medicine uses radionuclides for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

INDIA – Indian Radiological & Imaging Association
IRIA House, C-5
Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi – 110 016
Phone: 011-26965598

IRELAND – Faculty of Radiologists in Ireland
Contact Name: Jennifer O’Brien.
Address: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 121 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone: 01-402 2139

ISRAEL – Israel Radiological Association
The Israel Radiological Association (ISRA) was founded in 1927 and is the oldest medical society in the country. We have about 530 active certified radiologists and about 150 members in training. Radiology is in the midst of a technological revolution that is especially felt in IsraelIsrael is a start-up nation.

ITALY – Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM)
The Italian Society of Radiology (S.I.R.M.) was founded in 1913 to favour the progress of Diagnostic Imaging by promoting studies and researches regarding its physical, biological and clinical aspects; to stimulate the cultural and professional up-dating of its members
by developing education and research projects and supporting, also financially, scientific meetings and seminars; to promote any initiative intended to enhance its members’ professionality and to improve the efficacy of Radiology in the health system.
S.I.R.M. organizes a free biennial Italian Congress of Radiology (8000 delegates during the 2002 edition) and has many editorial activities, including the publication of the journal La Radiologia Medica, delivered monthly to every member of the Society and available on-line. Articles are both in Italian and English.

JAPAN – Japan Radiological Society
NP-II Building
5-1-16, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo, 113-0033
Phone: 81-3-3814-3077

KENYA – Kenya Association of Radiologists (KAR)
The Kenya Association of Radiologists (KAR) is the national specialty society for radiologists in Kenya. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of care, promoting patient safety and helping radiologists contribute to the very best health care for patients.

REPUBLIC OF KOREA – The Korean Society of Radiology
Seoul 137-891
Phone: 82 2 578 8003


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

MEXICO – Federación Mexicana de Radiología e Imagen, AC
Montecito 38, Floor 24, Of. 38 (WTC)
Col. Napoles
Mexico, D.F. CP 03810
Phone: 01 (55) 9000-2074

KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS – Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Radiologie
Taalstraat 40
5261 BE Vught
Phone: 31 (0)73 – 614 14 78 / 0800 – 023 15 36


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

OMAN – Oman Radiology and Molecular Imaging Society

Oman radiology and molecular imaging society, ORMIS, was formed in 2009. Among Its aims was to bring all radiologists working in oman together under one umbrella to facilitate dialogue and exchange ideas between radiologists working in Oman. It also allows for sharing standardized protocols and procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic radiology procedures. ORMIS also acts as forum for organizing national and international conferences and workshops.

PHILIPPINES – Philippine College of Radiology

PORTUGAL – Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (SPRMN)
Avenida Elias Garcia 123, 7� Dto – 1000-098 – LISBOA – PORTUGAL
Phone. +351 217 970 530 – Fax +351 217 955 012
Web – e-mail:

The Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine has the following purposes:
a) To promote the study, research and progress in theoretical and practical aspects, the sciences and radiological techniques and related medical application;
b) To promote the study and dissemination of protective measures individual, professional and collective, against the risk of ionizing radiation;
c) To collaborate with the Medical and particularly with their Colleges Radiology specialties and other entities in order to stimulate scientific and professional activities of Portuguese doctors.


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA – Radiological Society of South Africa
Phone: 27 11 794 4395

Welcome to the Radiological Society of South Africa (RSSA).
The RSSA is the professional association of radiologists in South Africa and Namibia, which looks after the professional, ethical and tariff interests of radiologists in public service and private practice.

RUSSIAN FEDERATION – Russian Society of Radiology
Russian Society of Radiology (RSR) is the oldest and the only national society of Russian radiologists, nuclear medicine specialists, medical physics, radiographers, technitians and other specialists related to radiology, diagnostic and interventional imaging. It was founded in 1916. … RSR is a member society of ESR.

18 corpus 2, Verkhoyanskaya st, Moscow
Post index: 129344
Administration phone number: +7 (926) 3697441

SAUDI ARABIA – Radiological Society of Saudi Arabia

Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

SPAIN – Sociedad Espanola de Radiología Médica
GOYA, 38
3° Izda
28001 Madrid
Phone: 91 575 26 13

SWEDEN – Swedish Society of Radiology (SSR)
The Swedish Society of Radiology, SSR, is a specialist section of the Swedish Society of Medicine as well as of the Swedish Medical Association. SSR helps to promote the development of radiology in Sweden by arranging meetings with scientific lectures, discussions and presentations of scientific results in medical spheres using radiology. SSR take action in education matters in basic as well as in specialist training. The society furthermore works to improve radiology in diagnosis and treatment in all medical fields. As a national society SSR serves as an organ for collaboration in scientific and educational matters. Finally SSR as a trade union takes care of occupational and economical interests among members.

CHINESE TAIPEI – The Chinese Taipei Society of Radiology (CTSR)

Founded in 1951, Chinese Taipei Society of Radiology (CTSR) has been active in furthering research, education and clinical practice in radiology. The CTSR devotes itself as the center of communication for all issues in Radiology related areas. The goal of the Society is to bring all related medical fields together to benefit each patient. To achieve this goal, the CTSR encourages research, educational events, academic lectures and recording of these efforts through its official publication, the Journal of Radiological Science.

Besides performing its core functions, the CTSR holds its annual meeting, inviting its entire thousand-member base with an average attendance of 1300. The members of the TRS include more than 1300 radiologists. Through this strong member base, the CTSR provides important medical advice to the Public Health Bureau and Medical Education organizations.

201, Sec. 2Shih-Pai RoadTaipei 112
Phone: 886 2 28769035; 886 2 28769037


Part of the French-speaking African Society of Radiology (SRANF)

TÜRKIYE – Turkish Society of Radiology
Founded in Istanbul in 1924.

Adress: Hoşdere Caddesi, Güzelkent Sokak,
Çankaya Evleri, F Blok, No:2
06540 ANKARA
Tel : +90 (312) 442 36 53
Fax : +90 (312) 442 36 54


BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA – Sociedad Venezolana de Radiología

The Venezuelan Society of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging is a non-profit scientific group that brings together professionals who acquire and interpret medical imaging studies for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Since its creation on June 28, 1943, it has sought to update its associates through scientific and educational activities aimed at ensuring that professional practice is carried out in accordance with the state of the art and in compliance with the ethical standards set forth in current national legislation.

ZAMBIA – Radiological Society of Zambia (RSZ)



American College of Radiology (ACR)
The ACR is a professional society whose purpose is to improve the health of patients and society by maximizing the value of radiology and radiologists by: advancing the science of radiology, improving radiological service to the patient, studying the socioeconomic aspects of the practice of radiology, and encouraging improved and continuing education for radiologists and allied professional fields. The College also supports its members as they adapt to a rapidly changing health care environment. The challenges for the College are complex because the needs of patients are many. In addition, ACR members’ needs are diverse and require attention in many areas. To best represent radiology, the ACR must relate to many different organizations and entities: the Congress, federal and state agencies, other professional societies, and a variety of medical providers, corporations, and suppliers.

Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA®) is an international society of radiologists, medical physicists and other medical professionals with more than 53,000 members from 140 countries across the globe. RSNA hosts the world’s premier radiology forum, drawing approximately 55,000 attendees annually to McCormick Place in Chicago, and publishes two top peer-reviewed journals: Radiology, the highest-impact scientific journal in the field, and RadioGraphics, the only journal dedicated to continuing education in radiology.
Through its educational resources, RSNA provides hundreds of thousands of continuing education credits toward physicians’ maintenance of certification—more than one million CME certificates have been awarded since 2000. The Society also develops and offers informatics-based software solutions in support of a universal electronic health record, sponsors research to advance quantitative imaging biomarkers, and conducts outreach to enhance education in developing nations. Through its Research & Education (R&E) Foundation, RSNA provides millions of dollars in funding to young investigators, helping to build the future of the profession.

Asian Oceanian Society of Radiology (AOSR)

European Society of Radiology (ESR)

Founded in 2005, the European Society of Radiology (ESR) is a non-profit, apolitical organisation. The ESR promotes and coordinates the scientific, intellectual, and professional actions of radiology in Europe. Through its various activities in education, research, collaboration, and publications, as well as its annual congress ECR, the ESR advances radiology and enhances the role of radiologists in healthcare.

Interamerican College of Radiology (CIR)
El Colegio Interamericano de Radiología es una organización que agrupa las Sociedades y Asociaciones Radiológicas de América y España para promover el desarrollo de la especialidad.

Pan Arab Association of Radiological Societies (PAARS)